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Read what students are saying about THE VILLAGE THEATRE & FILM ARTS ACADEMY.

"One more time -- thank you so very much for launching The Academy! Your Acting class and David's Shakespeare only whetted my appetite for more! It was a delight to be a part of it in every way-- learning, growing, making new friends, and having lots of fun! Please put me on the volunteer list for the next semester.


Thank you, Jeanne, for your generous heart, your dedication and your amazing and contagious zest for life!"

Adelaide White


"I participated in three of the classes and thank all of you for creating the opportunity. Participation in the classes provided another mentally stimulating opportunity and is the reason this community differs from most others. Thanks again."

Carol Moore

      "Congratulations on a wonderful concept and a

job Very Well Done.


Last night was so entertaining and fast moving and funny

I heard great things from people I did not know who would like to be part of the theatre. It really felt like everyone who was in the DR 2 last night really wanted to be there.


I am so very happy for you both . Thank you for your

work to get this off the ground."


"For me, (the

Reader’s Theatre Course)

was a wonderful experience. For someone that has had several strokes it enabled me to be able to perform (as it was) without having to memorize, to a certain extent. I'm definitely waiting for my next experience.


I want to thank you for your effort."

         Sally Goldfarb

"I do want to tell you that having

this Village Academy was the best thing that's happened to

Laguna Woods in ages.

Thank you for putting some

  life back into the Village."

            Millie Robinson         


                   " I think your academy will be one of

              the biggest draws for people in moving

         to Laguna Woods. I congratulate you on your

         wisdom in putting this together. What a gift

                    to the residents!"

                   Barbara Potter

                                               "I really am interested

                                          in the Theater Academy and

                                     want to continue with it in the fall.

            I plan to take Reader’s Theater again.  I have never

      had the experience of acting on stage. ... I enjoyed my

 experience in the Crew workshop with Bill and Sue Brown. 

They were so enthusiastic and I learned a lot. ... I got so excited

about the program at your original orientation that I wanted to take   

  them all.  I commend you on beginning the academy and look

         forward to being part of it in the fall."

                        Nancy Smith



Spring 2016 Registration closed February 1


Course Catalog


Faculty Directory


Catalog Updated January 12

Revised dates for STGM 101

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