Course ID Course Title Faculty Member
We are very excited about the courses we have designed for you.
Each course has been designed to:
Provide fun and education
Provide something of value to every participant regardless of one's level of experience and knowledge, so please do not be shy – be curious - take courses you know very little about - take courses you already know lots about – the rewards will amaze you!
Get people involved and have opportunities to actually put into practice the skills and concepts covered in the courses
Encourage participants to become active in the theatre in whatever capacity one can do with love and joy
Click Course Catalog to access printer-friendly Course Catalog with full course details: course title, course id, faculty member(s), number of students, course sessions, number of hours per course session, cost, session dates, start & end times, location(s), course goals/objectives, course activities
Click Faculty Directory to access printer-friendly Faculty Member's biography
Click Register to go to the Register Online page (Spring 2016 Registation closed)
courses - scroll down to view course list
spring 2016 course listings only
Acting Courses
Non-Acting Courses
BLKG 101
EAXA 101
MEMR 101
SCNS 102
VOIC 101
CREW 101
FIN 101
MKUP 101
SETC 101
SETD 101
STGM 101
USHR 101
Blocking: Owning the Stage
Eight Axioms of Acting
Memorization For Actors
Scene Study: Creating Dynamic Characters in a Scene
Voice and Accents for the Actor
Crew Fundamentals and Stage Safety
Club Financial Responsibilities
Set Design
Introduction to Stage Management
Jeanne Sanner
Jeanne Sanner
Jeanne Sanner
Jeanne Sanner
Noreen Kruger
Bill Brown & Ken Simonson
Larry Irion
Carol Shallin
Bill Brown & Ken Simonson
Bill Brown & Ken Simonson
Pat Gardner
Ann Guenther